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Todera station is located in a place surrounded by trees in Aizu-Bange.


Eryu temple (恵隆寺 Eryū-ji) is a good tourist spot in the area.


A lot of worshipers visit the temple on holidays.

Eryu temple has a long history.
According to the legend, the temple was built in about 600 A.D.


Eryu temple has the gigantic statue of Jūichimen Senju Kannon Bosatsu (十一面千手観音菩薩), (the eleven-faced and the thousand-armed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva), and they say the statue was made in 1200 A.D.
The height of the statue is no less than 8.5m.
It is the tallest statue in Japan to be made from one single tree.


You will see how big the statue is if you compare it with the statues of Nijūhachibusyū (二十八部衆), (28 attendants of Kannon)  that are around it because they are as tall as a person.
By the way, they say that it is only this temple and Sanjusangendo (三十三間堂) in Kyoto that have complete statues of Nijuhachibusyu and Fujin (風神) and Raijin(雷神)


The statue of the Kannon also called “Korori Kannon” as Nakada Kannon in Koan temple in Aizu-misato. (About “Korori Kannon”, please check the page of “Negishi-station” in this website).


In addition, Eryu temple has pillars called “Dakitsuki-bashira”, in the same way as Koan Temple.
The pillars are not only on the inside but also outside.


Aizu developed its own Buddhism culture around 1200 years ago and possesses valuable and rare Buddhist cultural properties.
So some people consider Aizu to be one of the five major of regions where Buddhism was popular (The other regions are Nara, Kyoto, Hiraizumi, Kamakura).
I felt that for real when I saw the statue of the Kannon in Eryu temple for the first time.
I am sure you will feel that too if you see such a huge statue standing in a remote region like Aizu.

Furthermore,  there is a legend that a Buddhist priest came there from China and spread Buddhism in 540 A.D.
That was before Buddhism was publicly known in Japan.
I hear that an investigation of remains that may provide a clue to the legend will start soon.
I’m excited about the survey result.

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